Are plants cool or what?

I’m sorry, I guess I’ve said that before but I’ll say it again!

Look at this watermelon reaching for the sun all because I spit a seed off the porch last year.

It will yield me melons again this year! The tendrils are reaching for support, pulling the plant upward. Amazing.

PlantsAnd then there’s this bristlecone pine in Utah that’s about 2000 years old. It’s only the oldest living thing on the planet.
Makes me look like a youngster………..:)

My wife and I visited a few of the many national parks in southern Utah last week. This is an area I’d highly recommend for a summer trip. There are about half a dozen national parks all within a day’s drive. It’s a dramatic landscape with wonderful scenery around every curve. In my travels I enjoy seeing the plants that we use in home landscapes growing in their native habitats. While most people look at their landscape plants as decorations or a maintenance necessity, I see them as collector’s items and a conversation piece. I hope you feel the same.

PlantsWe are well into summer now, the days are shortening a bit, the grass is going dormant. It’s indeed the “dog days”. Is it just me or does it seem like August is now the beginning of fall? When I was younger August was the hottest month of the year. But I look forward to the cool, clear days of autumn. My favorite time of year. Enjoy summer while it lasts.