(937) 246-2194 (Marysville)
(614) 619-0357 (Columbus)
Email: info@hickorylanefarms.com

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Company History

Mike Epp

Mike Epp
  • Bachelor of Science in Landscape Horticulture at The Ohio State University 1974.
  • 4 years experience in gardens & landscape nurseries in New England & Europe.
  • 40+ years experience in nursery production & landscape industry in Central Ohio.
  • Past President of Columbus Landscape Association.
  • 15 year member and chairman of Marysville Street Tree Commission
  • Long time active member of the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association


Landscape Design for the Homeowner

Mike wrote a book titled ‘Landscape Design for the Homeowner,’ which provides a wealth of information about home landscaping. It’s a concise overview with many helpful tips, dos and don’ts.

This little reference can save you a lot of time, trouble and money if you read it before tackling a landscaping project.

View on Amazon

Landscape Design for the Homeowner

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